Monday, May 24, 2010

Contacts Needed Immediately!


Abortion-Reporting Bill Vetoed by Governor; Please ask Legislators to Override Veto

Governor Brad Henry vetoed HB 3284, on May 22, which provides for reporting of abortions and abortion complications to the Health Department. With thousands of unborn children being killed across Oklahoma on a daily basis, requiring the abortion industry to report abortions performed is a very small thing to ask.

Please contact your state legislators immediately and urge support for this vital pro-life bill. You can identify your senator and representative by going to our website,, click on the Locate Legislator link, type in your address and scroll down to your state legislators.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Veto-Override Attempt Soon - Contacts Needed Immediately!

Governor Vetoes Pro-Life Bills; Veto-Override Attempt Soon
Contacts Needed Now! Please Contact Pro-Life Democrats Now!
Governor Brad Henry vetoed two crucial pro-life bills on Fiday; HB 2780, Ultrasound bill; and HB 2656, Wrongful-life bill.
Please send two emails now (email addresses below) urging legislators to vote to override the Governor's vetoes of these two critical pro-life bills and thank them for thier continued support of these two life saving bills! Sending these two emails will enable you to reach all of the Senate and House Democrats who supported these bills.

1. (will reach all the pro-life Democrats in the House of Representatives)
2. (will reach all the pro-life Democrats in the State Senate)

Democrats who have stood strong in the fight for the unborn will be under an increased amount of pressrue to flip-flop their votes to uphold the Governor's vetoes in the name of party loyalty. They must hear from us now!

Bills that were vetoed:
HB 2780, Ultrasound Bill, provides a woman an ultrasound of her unborn child which she may view prior to undergoing an abortion.
HB 2656, Wrongful-life Bill, fostering respect for babies with disabilities by disallowing wrongful-life lawsuits that claim a baby would have been better off being aborted.

Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

ERLC ALERT! House to Vote on Two Critical Pro-Life Bills

Senate to Vote on Two Critically Important Pro-life Bills Soon!

HB 2780 (Rep. Lisa Billy), Ultrasound Bill, provides a woman an ultrasound of her unborn child which she may view prior to undergoing an abortion.

HB 3284 (Rep. Pam Peterson), Abortion Reporting Bill, provides the reporting of abortions performed in Oklahoma, the reasons abortions are sought, and the complications that result.

Please contact your state senator and urge support for these vital pro-life bills immediately. You can identify your senator by going to our website,, click on the Legislator Locator link, type in your address and then scroll down to your state representative.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Senate to Vote on Three Critical Pro-Life Bills This Week!

ERLC ALERT! Senate to Vote on Three Critical Pro-Life Bills This Week
Three critically important pro-life bills will be voted on by the Oklahoma Senate this week.
SB 1902 (Sen. Clark Jolley and Rep. Skye McNiel), regulating the use of the dangerous chemical abortion pill RU-486, which kills an unborn child who is about two months old;
SB1890 (Sen. Todd Lamb and Rep. Dan Sullivan), prohibiting abortions that are done for the purpose of sex-selection;
SB 1891 (Sen. Anthony Sykes and Rep. Pam Peterson), protecting health care professionals' freedom of conscience by affirming their right to refuse to participate in the taking of a human life.
Please contact your state senator and urge support for these vital pro-life bills immediately. You can identify your senator by going to our website, www.bgco/erlc, click on the Legislator Locator link, type in your address and then scroll down to your state senator.

Monday, March 1, 2010

ERLC ALERT! House to Vote on Two Critical Pro-Life Bills

Two critically important pro-life bills will be voted on by the Oklahoma house this week - possibly as early as Monday, March 1st.

HB 2780 (Rep. Lisa Billy), Ultrasound Bill, provides a woman an ultrasound of her unborn child which she may view prior to undergoing an abortion (which is on Monday's agenda).

HB 3284 (Rep. Pam Peterson), Abortion Reporting Bill, provides for those reporting abortions performed in Oklahoma, the reasons abortions are sought, and the complications that result (likely to come to a vote Tuesday or Wednesday).

Please contact your state representative and urge support for these vital pro-life bills immediately. You can identify your representative by going to our website,, click on the Legislator Locator link, type in your address and scroll down to your state representative.

Monday, February 22, 2010

ERLC Alert: Two Critical Pro-Life Bills Voted on Monday

ERLC Alert: Two Critical Pro-Life Bills Voted on TODAY!!!
Two critical pro-life bills will be voted on by the Oklahoma House Judiciary Committee Monday afternoon. The bills to be voted on Monday afternoon are the following:
HB 3284 (Rep. Pam Peterson), reporting abortions performed in Oklahoma, the reasons abortions are sought, and the complications that result; and
HB 2780 (Rep. Lisa Billy), providing a woman an ultrasound of her unborn child which she may view prior to undergoing an abortion.

Please immediately contact these committee members to thank them for their past pro-life votes and ask their strong support for these pro-life bills:

Representative Rex Duncan
Representative Fred Jordan
Representative Marian Cooksey
Representative Scott Inman
Representative Lucky Lamons
Representative Mark McCullough
Representative Richard Morrissette
Representative Jason Nelson
Representative Dan Sullivan
Representative Randy Terrill

They may be reached by email at:;;;;;;;;;

Please also contact your own state representative and urge support for these pro-life bills when they reach the House floor a few days following passage in Committee. You can identify your representative by going to our website,, click on link to find your legislator, type in your address and then scroll down to your state representative.