ERLC ALERT! Senate to Vote on Three Critical Pro-Life Bills This Week
Three critically important pro-life bills will be voted on by the Oklahoma Senate this week.
SB 1902 (Sen. Clark Jolley and Rep. Skye McNiel), regulating the use of the dangerous chemical abortion pill RU-486, which kills an unborn child who is about two months old;
SB1890 (Sen. Todd Lamb and Rep. Dan Sullivan), prohibiting abortions that are done for the purpose of sex-selection;
SB 1891 (Sen. Anthony Sykes and Rep. Pam Peterson), protecting health care professionals' freedom of conscience by affirming their right to refuse to participate in the taking of a human life.
Please contact your state senator and urge support for these vital pro-life bills immediately. You can identify your senator by going to our website, www.bgco/erlc, click on the Legislator Locator link, type in your address and then scroll down to your state senator.
O, confederate theivin' sex-perverted republican I see. Ur walkin' the path to hell...